



So you wanna keep computer safety internet can’t be scary place with spyware malware viruses galore.

You need something pack a punch, is it you use cost too much.
PC Matic with Super Shield does all of decent more.

Give me a P !
Give me a C !
Give me a Matic !
Give me a Super Shield !

Tell viruses you had it.
Absolutely, Positively, nothing get it in.

So dread worry free safe indicate.

Viruses and Spyware have evolved.
They’re more harmful than ever and much more difficult to spot.
The problem is most anti-virus software hasn’t changed a bit.
What’s the point getting anti-virus software that doesn’t know it’s looking at a virus.
That’s like having a blindfolded guard dog.

PC Matic with Super Shield is specifically designed to fight this new wave online threats.

Giving you unparalleled protection as well as keeping your system lightning-fast speed automatic updates.

Unleash your computers for potential and protect your investment with PC Matic .

Give me a P !
Give me a C !
Give me a Matic !
Give me a Super shield !
Tell viruses you had it.
Absolutely, Positively, nothing get it in through.

Get protection from infection for your CPU.
Viruses move mill at power-dutch your wilk takes PC Matic with Super Shield.


So you wanna keep your computer safe
The internet can be a scary place
With spyware, malware, viruses galore
You need somthing that’ll pack a punch
Easy to use, doesn’t cost too much
PC Matic with Supershield does all of this and more

Gimme a P, Gimme a C, Gimme a Matic
Gimme a Supershield, Tell viruses you’ve had it
Absolutely positively nothing’s getting in
So let the worry free surfing begin

Gimme a P, Gimme a C, Gimme a Matic
Gimme a Supershield, Tell viruses you’ve had it
Absolutely positively nothing’s getting through
Get protection from infection for your CPU
Viruses will kneel at the power that you wield
Thanks to PC Matic with Supershield

(「The PC Matic Song – YouTube」より引用)


So you wanna keep [ _ -> your] computer [safety -> safe]
[ _ -> The] internet can[ ‘t -> _ ] be [ _ -> a] scary place
with spyware[ _ -> ,] malware[ _ -> ,] viruses galore.

You need something [ _ -> that’ll] pack a punch, [is it you -> Easy to] use[ _ -> , does’t] cost too much.
PC Matic with Super Shield does all of [decent -> this and] more.

Give me a P !
Give me a C !
Give me a Matic !
Give me a Super Shield !

Tell viruses you[ _->’ve] had it.
Absolutely, Positively, nothing[ _ -> ‘s] get it in.

So [dread -> let the] worry free saf[e->ing] [indicate->begin].


Give me a P !
Give me a C !
Give me a Matic !
Give me a Super shield !
Tell viruses you had it.
Absolutely, Positively, nothing[ _ -> ‘s] get[ it in -> ting]through.

Get protection from infection for your CPU.
Viruses [move mill -> will kneel]at [ _ ->the] power[-dutch -> that] your [wilk ->wield] [takes -> thanks to] PC Matic with Super Shield.


Something pack a punch のところは違和感があった。何かあるらしい、ないらしいで迷った。

All of ときたら One しか脳みそにないのに耳からは違う音が来る。脳内をくまなく検索すると航空用語「Decent」(維持)があるじゃないか、意味もそれっぽいじゃないかで採用。でもよく考えれば「維持」は「Maintain」だよ。Decent じゃ「降下」してしまうわ。

・・・ Indicate って独立でもするんだろうか。と思ったらそれはIndependent か。Indicate は「指す」だそうで。

dreadful (怖い) は違うだろうと思っての dread (怖い) だった。

Get protection from infection for your CPU. (あなたのCPUを感染から保護する)は、 Infection が苦労したものの正解らしいので嬉しい。 fr????ction と聞こえたものの、その間がわからなかった。Infection は「感染」。なぜ PC でなくて CPU なのか。ちなみにネイティブにも人によって PC が通じない。Personal Computer は通じる。なぜだ・・。でも確かに文献読んでても単に Computer とか System とか Windows とかで書かれてる事が多くて PC とか Personal Computer は見かけないよなー。

Dutch と言ったら「ファッキンイエロー」しかない。Will kneel (ひざまずく)を知らないかわりに「.mil」(ミリタリー=軍)は知ってる。他にミルといえばミルメーク、コーヒーミル、オートミルとか。米国の家庭に多く設置されている粉砕機のようなものがミルだったような違ったような。

逆にWilk (オオカミ)だと思ったから、悪者をオオカミと称して、それらを粉砕して Move (移動→検疫的な意味かなと想像してみた)してくれる~な表現なのかなと考えてみる。すると問題はパワーダッチ(と聞こえた部分)だ。何だそれは。調べてみれば「オーブン」などがヒットする。じゃぁ悪いオオカミさんをこてんぱんにしてくれるってことかなーと思ってみたり。結局全然違ったけどね。




